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Homeschooling Touchdown

Homeschooling, also known as home education or elective home education, is the education of school-aged children at home or a variety of places other than school. Here at Manassas Park City Library we strive to support our local homeschoolers in anyway we can!

New to Homeschooling?

What do I need to homeschool?

You can find the official listing from the Department of Education here.

What does MPCS have to say about homeschooling?

You can find information provide by the Manassas Park City Schools for home school instruction here.

Hear from parents that have been there!

Check out the recordings from our Table Talk program to hear from the parents that have been there!P

Where can I find the State Requirements?

You can find the State Requirements for Homeschooling here.

Is there a handbook or anything to reference?

The Virginia Department of Education has created a Home Instruction Handbook – Information for Parents.

¡Seminario web en español para aquellos interesados en la educación en el hogar!

Want to hear more from those who have been there? Check out this webinar put on by CHESS for Spanish-speakers who are interested in homeschooling!
¿Quieres escuchar más de los que han estado ahí? ¡Mira este webinar creado por CHESS en español para aquellos interesados en educación en el hogar!

Homeschool Resource Books

Digital Homeschooling Resources

Recursos sobre educación en el hogar en español

Como ofrecer a sus hijos una educación de alta calidad en casa en español con Marisol Rodero de Nobis Pacem - How to give your children a high-quality education in Spanish
Pasos Simples para empezar la escuela en casa con Karim Morato y Marialena Zachariah parte 1 - Simple Steps to Start Homeschooling: HSLDA offered the following series during the COVID season  Part 1
Homeschooling: Etapa preescolar y edades primarias con Adriana Corrales, Homeschool Project - Homeschooling: Pre-school and primary ages
Trabajando y educando en casa: Como padres pueden navegar el trabajo y homeschooling con Katie Hornor, Lemonhass - Working and homeschooling: How parents can navigate work and homeschooling.


Manteniendo el Sabor y la Cultura latina en tu Homeschooling con Mayra Rodriguez, Estilo Familiar - How to maintain the flavor of the Latin culture while homeschooling
Pasos Simples para empezar la escuela en casa con Karim Morato y Marialena Zachariah parte 2 - Simple Steps to Start Homeschooling: HSLDA offered the following series during the COVID season  Part 2


Desescolarización: ¡Exploremos los orígenes, las mejores prácticas y los mitos! - Deschooling: Let's explore the origins, best practices and myths!
Matrimonio y Homeschooling con Ana Maria y Ricardo Bagnuoli, Transioned Education - Homeschooling and Marriage
Como emprender la educación en casa en momentos de crisis con Priscila Salazar, Supraescolar - How to launch homeschooling during crisis or unexpectedly
Homeschooling y tipos de evaluación con Shelley Whisenant - Homeschooling and different styles and type of evaluation

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