Story Time photo


9.0   Circulation

9.1   Collection Usage Rules

    1. Loan of materials: There is a checkout limit of 30 total items per library card. Loanable materials have a maximum of 3 renewals. The loan period for most materials is 3 weeks.

      Borrowed items will be renewed automatically three days before the due date, with some exceptions:

        • Another user has requested it
        • The item reached its maximum number of renewals
        • The user’s account is blocked due to fines or fees of $25.00 or more
        • The item is an electronic resource, such as an ebook or eaudiobook

      Users who have opted to receive email notices will receive a courtesy message three days before the item’s due date.  This notice will indicate which items were renewed and which items could not be renewed.

    2. Holds: Any circulating library materials may be placed on hold. When the item requested is available, the patron is notified that the material will be held for 7 days. Patrons may place up to 15 holds per account.
    3. Suspension or revocation of borrowing privileges: The Library Director may suspend or revoke borrowing privileges when fines are not paid, library material is not returned, or library policies are not followed.
    4. Equipment malfunctions: The library is not responsible if a patron’s equipment malfunctions when playing media borrowed from the library.
    5. Library Staff: Library staff will check out all materials for personal use through circulation channels in accordance with the policies established for all library patrons.

9.2   Library Card Guidelines

Manassas Park City Library respects its patrons’ privacy by keeping gathered information confidential.

    1. Photo identification and proof of current physical/employment address (such as a utility bill, paystub or other piece of USPS delivered mail) are required.
    2. Acceptable forms of identification include:
      • Driver’s license
      • Federal, state or local government ID card
      • Passport
      • School ID card
      • S. Military card
      • Permanent Resident Card / Alien Registration Receipt Card / Consulate ID
    3. Patrons must present a current ID to obtain a library card and accounts must be in good standing (i.e. not delinquent) before a card is renewed. Library Cards must be renewed every 3 years.
    4. Cards for Children:
      • There is no minimum age for obtaining a library card.
      • Parent or legal guardian must present his/her photo identification and proof of current address for cards issued to children under the age of 18.
      • Parents or legal guardians are responsible for items checked out by their minor children.

9.3   Fines and Fees

All cardholders are responsible for materials borrowed on their card. No overdue fines are charged. The Library may impose and collect lost item fees for the infringement of the established rules and regulations and may suspend or revoke the borrowing of any book or other material by a cardholder who has failed or refused to pay any fee or to return any book or other material by the due date set by the Library.

Email reminders, for materials due, are a courtesy of the library. Patrons are obligated to return their materials on time, even in the event reminder notifications are not received. If overdue items have not been returned within seven days of the due date, the patron will receive an email reminder notice.  A second courtesy reminder notice will be sent 14 days after the due date.  The patron’s account will be billed a lost item fee for any material not returned for the overdue material 30 days after the due date and a billing notice will be sent to the patron.

9.4   Regulations

    1. A library card becomes delinquent when the charges on his/her account reach $25.00. Borrowing privileges are suspended until the total charges owed are less than $25.00.
    2. All library debts are discharged when listed in a patron’s bankruptcy.
    3. A police report (filed within 60 days of items being due) is necessary for the Library to waive related fees and replacement costs on items stolen from the patron or checked out on a lost/stolen library card. Processing fees are non-refundable.
    4. Materials that are declared lost, paid for, and then found may be eligible for a refund of the replacement cost fee. Processing fees are non-refundable. To request a refund a patron must complete a Refund Request Form and submit to the Library within 90 days of the initial payment. After review and approval by the Library Director, or designee, the City of Manassas Park will mail a check for the amount requested.

Adopted 7/21/2020
Updated 12/14/2021

8.0   Collection Development

8.1   Collection Development

The goal of the Manassas Park City Library (the “Library”) is to provide the citizens of Manassas Park with a range of materials in a variety of print and non-print formats to meet their informational, cultural, educational, and recreational needs and interests.

To meet this goal, the Library has developed procedures for selecting, evaluating, re-evaluating, and withdrawing materials. These procedures are intended to ensure that the collection reflects all points of view on current and historical issues, and that materials are available in diverse media formats.

The Library endeavors to provide a range of opinions, majority and minority, on all subjects, and does not exclude materials based on the author’s or producer’s point of view. The Library also attempts to avoid collections that reflect inordinate responsiveness to a single point of view.

Individual use of Library materials is a private and personal matter. All citizens are free to reject for themselves materials of which they may disapprove; no citizen may restrict the freedom of use and access for others. Responsibility for the reading, listening, and viewing of Library materials by minors’ rests with their parents or legal guardians, not with Library staff. Selection of Library materials is not inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.

Books and materials are selected according to intrinsic merit, subject treatment, community interest, and contribution to a balanced collection in the Library. No single standard of suitability can be applied in all cases. The volume and nature of requests for access to Library materials by members of the public is a significant factor in selection. Flexibility, open-mindedness, and responsiveness are exercised during the evaluation process. Materials are selected to present a variety of opinions on a subject and are judged as a whole rather than on isolated passages.

The Library Advisory Board hereby endorses the American Library Association (ALA) Library Bill of Rights (Addendum C), the ALA Freedom to Read Statement (Addendum D), and the ALA Free Access to Minors Statement (Addendum E), and interprets these statements to include all Library materials regardless of format. Responsibility for the selection and removal of books and other Library materials resides with the Library Director, who may delegate that responsibility to Library staff.

8.2   Reconsideration of Materials

The Library welcomes expression of opinion by patrons about the collection or individual titles, but will be governed by this Policy in making additions and deletions.

Patrons who request the reconsideration of Library materials will be asked to put their request in writing by completing and signing the Manassas Park City Library Request for Review of Library Materials.

To request the reconsideration of library materials, patrons must have a library account in good standing. Patrons can only place two (2) requests per month. An individual material will only be reviewed once every 12 months.

After review, the Director, or designee, will communicate a decision and the reason for it, in writing, to the patron who initiated the request for reconsideration.

In the event that the patron who initiated the request is not satisfied with the decision, they can present a written appeal of the decision to the Director and the Manassas Park City Library Advisory Board. The Director and the Board will communicate a decision and the reason for it in writing.

Requests for reconsideration are reviewed in the order they are received; each request and appeal may take up to 60 days to review but could be longer depending on the number of requests.

8.3   Disposition of Libary Materials

Library materials are owned by the City of Manassas Park. Outdated materials, books no longer of interest or in demand, and worn or damaged copies will be removed. Staff will make every effort to transfer unneeded items in usable condition to Library support groups, local community organizations, or a library vendor specializing in discards and donations from libraries that provide revenue in return for surplus materials. Unneeded items transferred to the ownership of a Library support group may be sold to benefit Library programs and services.

8.4   Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences

The Manassas Park City Library collects VR experiences that may be used on one of the library’s mobile VR stations. The selection of experiences is guided by several factors:

    1. Experiences that support the informational, cultural, educational, and recreational needs of the community
    2. Price
    3. Positive reviews and industry awards
    4. Requests from patrons

VR experiences must be licensed for public and/or commercial use and be compatible with Manassas Park City Library VR hardware and software.

Adopted 4/14/2020
Updated 5/07/2024

5.0   Facilities Use

5.1   Facilities Use

The Manassas Park City Library is to be the community’s information center, providing free and equal access to a full variety of library resources and innovative technologies to enhance the quality of life and meet the informational, educational, and cultural interests of the entire community. The following policy, governing the use of Library facilities, reflects this mission.

“Library facilities” refers to designated space inside the library located within City Hall and the Community Center.

The Library makes available public facilities, as defined in this policy, on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups. Library facility use does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of the beliefs, ideas, or policies expressed by organizations or individuals using the space.

In all Library facilities, Library-sponsored programs and activities take precedence over other activities. Use of Library facilities by outside organizations or groups may not interfere with regular Library operations or services.

Library facility users and Library patrons must comply with the Library Rules of Conduct Policy and all applicable laws, including the Code of Virginia and the Code of the City of Manassas Park, Virginia.

The Library Director (or designee) reserves the right to refuse groups the use of Library facilities whenever, in the Library Director’s (or designee’s) best judgment, the use does not conform to this policy.

Groups/individuals using Library facilities may not approach patrons while in Library facilities. Communication between group representatives and the public is permitted when initiated by the public. No donations may be required or solicited by these groups/individuals.

The Library Director or designee must give advance permission for any use of Library facilities.

The name, address, and phone number of the Library may not be used as the official address of any organization using Library facilities, nor may any non-library group using Library facilities publicize its activities in such a way as to imply Library sponsorship.

The City of Manassas Park and the Library are not liable for damages caused to the user or his or her property while using Library facilities, and City of Manassas Park and the Library will be held harmless from any liability to third parties for injury caused by the group, or any persons or groups, while using Library facilities.

5.2   Study Rooms

Four (4) study rooms are available for community members to use on a first come, first served basis. Limitations on the reservation length and use may be imposed by the Library Director or designee. Study rooms are free of any charge

    1. Room 100-3: 1 table, 4 chairs
    2. Room 200-1: 2 tables, 4 chairs
    3. Room 200-2: 1 table, 2 chairs
    4. Room 209-1 : 6 tables, 12 chairs. The primary purpose of this study room is for conducting Library and City programs and services, which will have first priority in scheduling and availability.

5.3   Displays and Exhibits

Display cases and exhibit areas are used for Library-sponsored displays, which inform the public of the wide range of issues, events, and interests within the community.

The posting or distribution of a particular item does not indicate that the Library endorses any organization, cause, or activity.

5.4   Public Art

Library-sponsored temporary exhibits, curated by staff, provide a venue for local artists to exhibit work.

Any permanent works of art in Library facilities must be approved by the City of Manassas Park.

Adopted 4/14/2020
Updated 9/20/2022

13.0   Fines and Fees

The City of Manassas Park Governing Body shall approve all Manassas Park City Library fees, as referenced in the Schedule of Fees. The Manassas Park City Library will not charge overdue fines; however, fees for lost and damaged items will be charged to the patron. (Addendum A)

Adopted 4/14/2020

14.0   Gifts

Manassas Park City Library welcomes and encourages monetary gifts, bequests, endowment funds, and gifts of property, services or materials from individuals, groups, foundations, or corporations. All gifts will be evaluated for appropriateness in light of the Library’s mission and all other existing policies. Gifts shall not be a substitute for adequate local funding, but a way for the community to give back to their Library.

The Library and staff are under no obligation to accept gifts, items, or funds and reserve the right to refuse any gift.

Gifts valued at $5,000 or less will be reviewed and accepted by the Parks and Recreation Director (or designee) upon the recommendation of the Library Director.

Gifts valued over $5,000 as well as conditional gifts will be reviewed and accepted by the City Manager after consultation with the Governing Body and upon the recommendation of the Library Director.

Donors who request naming rights must have a sustained connection to the City and receive Governing Body approval.

Gifts of physical items, including books and other material donations, are accepted with the understanding that ownership passes to the Library.

The Library reserves the right to decide use, condition of display, and final disposition of all gift material it receives. Gifts are considered for acceptance on the same basis as materials for purchase. The cost of processing and the availability of shelf space are also factors in determining the acceptance of gifts. The Library may provide a receipt acknowledging the number of donated items, but will not attempt to estimate their value.

The Library may forward items deemed unusable to library support groups or outside agencies/organizations. Gifts will not be returned to the donor.

Adopted 4/14/2020

11.0   Hotspots

11.1   Hotspot Checkout

The Manassas Park City Library offers hotspot checkout service to patrons. A “hotspot” consists of the mobile wireless hotspot device itself, as well as its charger and case.

The Manassas Park City Library is not responsible for any liability, damages or expense resulting from use or misuse of the device, connection of the device to other electronic devices, or data loss resulting from use of device. Any use of the device for illegal purposes, unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material in any format, or transmission of threatening, harassing, defamatory or obscene materials is strictly prohibited.

11.2   Usage Rules

In order to borrow a hotspot, patrons must be 13 years of age or older and have a Manassas Park City Library card (in good standing). At the time of checkout, the borrowing patron must present his/her Manassas Park City Library card or ID. Upon checkout, Library staff will confirm, in the presence of the borrowing patron, that all items are present in the hotspot kit.

Only one hotspot may be borrowed on a patron’s account at any one time. The loan period for the hotspot is 7 days. Checkout is limited to one per household at any given time. Patrons may place a hold on a hotspot. If the hotspot is not returned by the due date, the internet connection will be terminated.

Patrons are financially responsible for lost or stolen hotspots. A lost hotspot fee will be assessed, as outlined in the Fine and Fee Schedule (Addendum A), when necessary. Repair costs, whether from negligent, reckless, or intentional damage, are the responsibility of the patron. Hotspots must be returned to staff at the Information Desk, and never to another Library or in the Manassas Park City Library book drop.

Patrons who abuse equipment or who return hotspots after they have been charged a lost hotspot fee two (2) times may lose hotspot privileges.

Adopted 09/20/2022

Updated 05/07/2024

12.0   Interlibrary Loan

12.1   Interlibrary Loan

The Manassas Park City Library (MPCL) is committed to serving the public by providing materials to meet our patrons’ needs. The mission of MPCL is to enrich lives, build community, and foster success by bringing people, information, and ideas together. The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service offers patrons access to collections beyond what is held in Manassas Park, allowing patrons to request items to be sent to MPCL. ILL services are available to cardholders in good standing who live, work, attend school, own property, or own a business in Manassas Park. ILL is not available to MPCL temporary card holders. Up to ten (10) ILL requests may be pending or checked out at one time.

12.2   Materials Not Available Through ILL

    • Newly published materials (materials less than one year old)
    • Audio-visual material
    • Textbooks
    • Books copyrighted or dated prior to 1920
    • Entire issues of periodicals
    • Rare books or non-book materials
    • E-books or e-documents/articles
    • Restricted Material

The lending library can dictate the conditions under which it will lend materials. Some of the materials may be designated by the lending library as restricted. This means that this material must be used in the Manassas Park City Library and cannot leave the building. MPCL staff will notify the patron that the material is available but restricted to in-library use only.

12.3   Loan Period

The length of the loan is set by the lending library, not MPCL, and will vary accordingly.  The due date is noted on each item. If the item can be checked out and is not picked up by the due date listed on the sticker, it will be returned to the lending library and the patron will be charged the loan fee. If the item is not picked up within 14 days of notification (unless a shorter time is indicated by the lending library) it will be returned to the lending library and the patron will be charged the loan fee.

Renewal of ILL materials is dependent upon the restrictions set by the lending library. Patrons must call the library to request a renewal three working (Monday-Friday) days before the due date included on the lending label. Overdue ILL materials cannot be renewed.

The lending library may exercise the option to recall material needed by its local patrons. If the material is recalled before the due date, the patron must, upon notification, return the material immediately.

12.4   Fines and Fees

Any item received via ILL service is subject to the same fees/fines placed on similar items owned by MPCL. In addition, libraries which loan material to MPCL may place additional fines/fees on loaned items.

The patron is responsible for any damage to and/or loss of the material which results after he/she has picked up the Interlibrary Loan requested material. Patrons will not be billed for item(s) noted as damaged prior to their checking out the item(s).

Each successful Interlibrary Loan request will incur a lending fee as outlined in the Fine and Fee Schedule (Addendum A), plus any fees charged by the lending institution to be paid at time of check out of the item(s).

Adopted 10/20/2020

Updated 05/07/2024

6.0   Internet and Computer Use

6.1   Summary

As part of its mission to be the community’s information center, Manassas Park City Library provides free access to essential digital public services. By doing so, the Library supports the American Library Association’s (“ALA”) assertion that “[l]ibraries empower users by offering opportunities both for accessing the broadest range of information created by others and for creating and sharing information. Digital resources enhance the ability of libraries to fulfill this responsibility.” (Addendum G)

Essential digital public services provided by the Library include access to computers, the Internet, and basic software. In addition, the Library provides an unsecured wireless network for patron use with their personal devices.

All patrons are permitted to use Library computers to access the Internet. In accordance with Virginia Code §42.1-36.1 (Addendum H), Manassas Park City Library employs commercial filtering software and/or parental controls to block the display of illegal material and material that is potentially harmful to children on Library computers and mobile devices. However, no filtering software or control is completely effective. It may inadvertently allow access to content intended to be blocked and, conversely, it may block unobjectionable content. If a patron believes that content was blocked in error, they should inform library staff so that it can be investigated and allowed if applicable.

Parents or guardians — not the Library and its staff — are responsible for the information selected and the sites visited on the Internet by their children and for supervising their children’s Internet use on Library-owned computers and devices, as well as on personal devices used in the Library.

This policy supports the ALA’s Intellectual Freedom statements, including The Library Bill of Rights (Addendum C), and Access to Digital Information, Services, and Networks (Addendum G).

6.2   Acceptable Use

The following guidelines have been established for acceptable use of Library-owned computers and equipment, as well as personal devices used on Library property:

    1. Time limits on the use of computers and equipment, as well as bandwidth limits on wireless access, may be enforced to ensure that all patrons have the opportunity to use Library resources.
    2. Any activity which violates Federal, state, or local laws is prohibited on both Library and patron devices. Examples of illegal activities include, but are not limited to, fraud (which includes disguising or falsifying sources of electronic mail or other electronic communications with the intent of misleading, defrauding, or harassing others); libeling and slandering other persons; displaying or distributing child pornography: Virginia Code §18.2-374.1:1 (Addendum I) or other obscene materials: Virginia Code §18.2-372 (Addendum J), or materials deemed harmful to juveniles Virginia Code §18.2-390 (Addendum K). The Library must comply with all proper judicial processes.
    3. Users may not violate software license agreements or infringe on copyrighted material. United States Copyright Law: U.S. Code, Title 17 (Addendum L) prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principle of “fair use”. This includes most electronic information sources. Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Users are responsible for consequences of copyright infringement.
    4. Users may not attempt to, or actually, modify Library hardware, software or any configurations via Library workstations or any wireless network. This includes, but is not limited to, attempting or succeeding to evade or disable the Library’s Internet filtering software; the intentional propagation of computer viruses or worms; and “hacking” of any kind. Users may not interfere with the activities of the Library or its network in any way. Users may not attempt to intercept, monitor, disrupt, or impede other user’s communications or to access or alter other user’s data or software.

Failure to follow this policy or the Library Rules of Conduct may result in suspension of internet or Library privileges.

6.3   User Responsibility

Library computers are utilized in a public area and information viewed on the screen may be visible to patrons of all ages. All users are asked to view content appropriate to a public space and respect the privacy of others. If a patron expresses concern regarding web browsing activity, library staff may ask users to take action to address the situation. Users accept that the Library makes no representation or guarantee that computer or Internet services, including wireless service, will be uninterrupted, error-free, virus-free, timely, or secure, nor that any Internet content is accurate, reliable, or safe in any manner for download or any other purpose.

Use of the Library’s hardware, software, Internet service, wireless network, and electronic information resources is entirely at the risk of the user. Neither the City of Manassas Park nor Manassas Park City Library shall be liable for any damage that may occur to any computer, peripheral equipment, device, or storage media; loss of data or confidential information; unauthorized access to or alteration of data transmission; and/or any other direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting from or arising out of use of the Library’s Internet service, equipment, or other devices; wireless network, and/or electronic information resources or inability to use these services; or any other matter relating to these services.

The user agrees to hold the Library harmless from any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities relating to the use of Library computers, network, or other equipment, or related to the use of information obtained from the Library’s electronic information system.

Adopted 4/14/2020
Updated 12/12/2023

10.0   Laptop Checkout

10.1   Laptop Checkout

Manassas Park City Library is pleased to offer laptop checkout service to patrons. Patrons will be able to access the library’s wireless network, information resources, library printer, the Internet and other provided software with a library laptop. The laptops must be used in the Library.

This policy is intended to ensure that the laptops are available for fair access for all users.

The library circulates the laptop and power cord if needed; no earphones, external keyboards, external mice, external hard drives, or any other devices will be provided. Patrons may use any personal device that uses a USB connection, including a keyboard, mouse and USB flash drives.

10.2   Usage Rules

    • Laptop computers may only be checked out by a patron with a library card. The library card must be in good standing with no fines, no outstanding lost library materials, and no other blocks on the card. Parents will be required to check out laptops for children under the age of 13.
    • Laptop computers check out for in-library use only. Laptops connect to the Library network through a wireless connection. Laptop computers may not be left unattended. Patrons must return the laptops to the Service Desk or the kiosk when they are finished or the time for use has expired.
    • The first time a laptop is checked out patrons must read the MPCL Laptop Policy and sign a copy of the Laptop Use Agreement Form, which will be kept on file. A copy of the policy will be given to the patron upon request. Patrons below the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian complete the Laptop Policy Form in the presence of Library Staff.
    • Laptops are available on a first come, first served basis for 60 minutes at a time, which can be extended if no one is waiting.
    • Patrons are financially responsible for lost or stolen laptops. A lost laptop fee of $800 will be accessed when necessary. Repair costs, whether from negligent, reckless, or intentional damage, are the responsibility of the patron.
    • No software may be downloaded or installed to the laptop hard drive.
    • The Manassas Park City Library is not liable for damages to patron’s personal data, removable media or equipment resulting from information copied from the Internet or laptop. Information may not be saved to the laptop hard drive under any circumstances. All information is automatically erased when the computer is shut down. All computers will be shut down and wiped when they are checked back in.
    • The Library Director or designee reserves the right to limit or regulate the use of Library equipment.

Adopted 7/21/2020
Updated 9/20/2022

1.0   Library Card Account

Every resident of Manassas Park is eligible for a free Library card account regardless of age.

Those who own property, own a business, work, or attend school in Manassas Park are also eligible.

Residents of jurisdictions in the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) are eligible for free reciprocal accounts. Some online resources as well as Interlibrary Loan (ILL) may not be available to reciprocal borrowers.

Non-Residents are eligible for a library card for an annual fee as outlined in the Fine and Fee Schedule (Addendum A). Residents of reciprocal areas outlined in Section 8.1 are not required to pay a non-resident fee. Some online resources as well as Interlibrary Loan (ILL) may not be available to non-resident borrowers.

1.1   Reciprocal jurisdictions:

Virginia Maryland District of Columbia
  • City of Alexandria
  • Arlington County
  • City of Fairfax
  • Fairfax County
  • City of Falls Church
  • Loudoun County
  • City of Manassas
  • Prince William County
  • City of Manassas Park



  • Town of Bladensburg
  • City of Bowie
  • City of College Park
  • Charles County
  • City of Frederick
  • Frederick County
  • City of Gaithersburg
  • City of Greenbelt
  • City of Hyattsville
  • City of Laurel
  • Montgomery County
  • Prince George’s County
  • City of Rockville
  • City of Takoma Park
  • District of Columbia






Adopted 4/14/2020

7.0   Library Closings

The Library Advisory Board approves scheduled Library closings for City observed holidays and other operational needs.

The Library Director or designee, working with City of Manassas Park City Manager and Parks and Recreation Director, determines the closing of Library locations due to weather, maintenance, or safety-related concerns.

Adopted 4/14/2020

3.0   Library Rules of Conduct

Manassas Park City Library strives to provide a welcoming environment for all Library patrons. The following Rules of Conduct are meant to ensure that the Library is a safe and enjoyable place. Library staff shall have the right to contact the proper authorities and ask individuals to leave the Library when individuals are in violation of these rules. Violation of Library policies or any unlawful behavior may result in the loss of Library privileges.

The following are prohibited in Library facilities, and program spaces:

    1. Damage, destruction, or theft of Library or personal property.
    2. Abusive, threatening, or intimidating language.
    3. Conduct that disturbs or endangers Library patrons, staff, or volunteers.
    4. Conduct that hinders others from using Library space, equipment, or materials.
    5. Interference with an employee’s performance of his/her duties or a patron’s use of the Library. Such behavior includes but is not limited to verbal abuse, intimidation, and harassment based on membership in a class protected by the U.S. Constitution (e.g., sex, race, religion) or in violation of other federal or Virginia law, such as the Virginia Human Rights Act (Virginia Code § 2.2-3900 et seq.).  Examples include sexual harassment and harassment or intimidation of individuals because of their group affiliation.
    6. Sleeping.
    7. Selling or solicitation, with the exception of certain Library-sponsored events.
    8. Smoking, including e-cigarettes, or tobacco use in any form.
    9. Open containers of alcoholic beverages.
    10. Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances.
    11. Consuming food or open drinks outside of designated areas. Covered drinks and small snacks are allowed throughout the library, patrons must dispose any trash and clean up any mess prior to leaving the library.
    12. Leaving bags or personal items unattended.
    13. Any use of computers or Internet access that interferes with the activities of the Library or its network, or is in violation of federal, state, or local laws, including Virginia Code §18.2-374.1:1 (child pornography), Virginia Code §18.2-372-§18.2-374 (obscene items), Virginia Code §18.2-377 (obscene placards, posters, etc.), and Virginia Code §18.2-391 (materials deemed harmful to juveniles) is prohibited.

The following must be observed at all times:

    • Appropriate attire, including but not limited to shoes and a shirt, must be worn at all times.
    • Modes of transport (e.g., bicycles, scooters, etc.) must be left outside. The Library is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of such items.

In addition, please be aware:

    • The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged on Library premises.
    • With the exception of service animals, as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act, animals are not permitted inside Library facilities.
    • Library staff reserves the right to contact the appropriate authorities when children are left unattended, do not observe the Rules of Conduct, or are in distress (see Safe Children policy below).
    • Library staff may ask any patron to leave when he/she is in violation of the Rules of Conduct. Library staff may contact the appropriate authorities if a patron refuses to leave when asked.
    • Violation of any of these Rules of Conduct may result in the patron’s Library privileges being modified, suspended, or revoked, removal of the patron from the building, or criminal prosecution if the conduct constitutes a violation of federal law, state law, or local law. Examples of actions taken for violations of these Rules of Procedure include but are not limited to:
      • Abusive, threatening, or intimidating language – being asked to leave for the day.
      • Repeatedly leaving personal items unattended in a study room for extended periods of time as to interfere with access to such room by other patrons – losing study room privileges.
      • Leaving library laptops unattended or losing library laptops – losing laptop privileges.
    • Severe violations, repeat or similar offenses, or disregard of instructions from Library staff may result in a trespass notice issued by the Manassas Park Police Department.

Exceptions to these Rules of Conduct may be granted at the discretion of the Library Director or designee.

3.1    Request for Reconsideration of Modification, Suspension, or Revocation of Library Privileges

A patron who has had his/her Library privileges modified, suspended, or revoked will receive a determination letter.  Any appeal of a decision to modify, suspend, or revoke a patron’s  Library privileges must use the following procedure:

    1. The patron must submit a written request for reconsideration, together with any applicable supporting documentation, to the Library Director within ten (10) days following the date of the determination letter via email to [email protected].
    2. After review, the Library Director will communicate, in writing, a decision to uphold, modify, or overturn the original decision, including the reason for such decision, to the patron who initiated the request for reconsideration within fifteen (15) days following receipt of the request for consideration.
    3. If the patron who initiated the request is not satisfied with the Library Director’s decision, he/she can appeal the decision to the Parks and Recreation Director within ten (10) days following the date of the written determination via email to [email protected]. The appeal should include any applicable supporting documentation.
    4. The Parks and Recreation Director will review the request and any supporting documentation relating to the Library Director’s decision and decide within thirty (30) days following receipt of the appeal to uphold, modify, or overturn the Library Director’s decision.
    5. The patron will be notified in writing of the Parks and Recreation Director’s decision within seven (7) days following such decision.
    6. If the patron who initiated the request is not satisfied with the Parks and Recreation Director’s decision, he/she can appeal the decision to the City Manager within ten (10) days following the date of receipt of the P&R Director’s decision via email to [email protected]. The appeal should include any applicable supporting documentation.
    7. The City Manager will review the request and any supporting documentation relating to the Parks and Recreation Director’s decision and decide within thirty (30) days following receipt of the appeal to uphold, modify, or overturn the Parks and Recreation Director’s decision.
    8. The patron will be notified in writing of the City Manager’s decision within fifteen (15) days following such decision.
    9. The City Manager’s decision regarding the request for reconsideration shall be final and shall constitute an exhaustion of a patron’s administrative remedies.
    10. A patron whose Library privileges have been revoked must schedule a meeting with the Library Director or designee prior to resumption of any Library privileges. The purpose of the meeting will be to review these Rules of Conduct to ensure future compliance.

Adopted 04/14/2020

Updated 05/07/2024

21.0   Library Support Groups

Library support groups, including Friends of the Library (“Friends”) groups, the Library Advisory Board, and library foundations, fulfill an important fundraising and public advocacy function for public libraries. A Friends group or the Library Advisory Board serves as a support group, rather than as a policy-making body.

These groups may raise money through book sales, sponsorship of special events, or other means. As in any volunteer organization, members are provided with an opportunity to use their time, skills, resources, and contacts in a worthwhile community endeavor, while receiving recognition for their efforts.

21.1   Standards

To use Library facilities, the Library name, or receive Library assistance, any MPCL support group must abide by the standards listed below.

    1. All Friends groups, advisory boards, and foundations shall conduct their fiscal affairs through appropriately structured non-profit, tax exempt organizations, such as non-stock corporations, and shall maintain their tax-exempt status.
    2. There shall be a signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the City Manager and the support group.
    3. Funds raised by library support groups shall not be a substitute for adequate local funding.
    4. Funds raised by library support groups shall be maintained in an account separate and distinct from the Library’s operating accounts. Such accounts shall be administered by the treasurer of the support group.
    5. Gifts made to the Library by a Friends group, the Library Advisory Board, or by a library foundation shall conform to Library gift and fiscal policies, and shall not be used to dictate Library policy.

Adopted 4/14/2020

2.0   Privacy

Manassas Park City Library is committed to protecting the privacy of all information, including patron requests for service or materials, loan transactions, online sites visited, and resources accessed. Records that link personally identifiable information to borrowed or requested materials or to visited websites are created and maintained only as long as required for the business of libraries. Library staff do not release such information to individuals or to any private or public agency.

Per Virginia Code §2.2-3705.7 (Addendum F), parents and/or legal guardians shall have complete access to the library records of their minor child/children. Library staff may access personal data stored in the Library’s computer system only for the purpose of performing their assigned Library duties.

Confidentiality of patron records is protected under state law per Virginia Code § 2.2-3705.7 (Addendum F). The Library will comply with all proper judicial processes, such as a government order to produce documents or information, while preserving patron confidentiality to the extent allowed by law.

Adopted 4/14/2020
Updated 9/20/2022

15.0   Programming

Programming, an essential service of the Manassas Park City Library, is designed to engage Library users, spotlight materials and services, and provide opportunities for patrons of all ages to share informational, cultural, educational, and recreational experiences. The Library may also participate in cooperative or joint programs with other agencies, organizations, institutions, or individuals as part of its own effort to address information needs and to facilitate information access in the community the Library serves. Professional performers and presenters with specialized or unique expertise may be hired for Library programs.

All Library programs are open to the public. Programs are scheduled at the discretion of Library staff.

Performers and presenters will not be excluded from consideration because of their origin, background, or views, and program topics will not be excluded because of possible controversy.

Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program, the organization presenting the program, or the views expressed by presenters or participants.

Suggestions from the public regarding selection, retention, or reconsideration of programs are encouraged and reviewed.

To request a reasonable accommodation for a disability, call the Library Director. Three days’ notice is requested.

Adopted 4/14/2020
Updated 9/20/2022

4.0   Safe Children

Manassas Park City Library is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment that encourages children to visit the Library, attend programs, and use Library collections and spaces. Library staff is available to assist and support children in using the Library. However, Library staff cannot provide child care or assume responsibility for children’s safety. Parents, guardians, teachers, and caregivers are responsible for the behavior and safety of children on Library premises.

Children nine years of age or younger must be attended and directly supervised at all times by a parent/guardian or caregiver aged 13 or older. Parents/guardians/caregivers are to remain in the immediate vicinity of their children using the Library.

If children nine years of age or younger are left unattended, staff will attempt to reach their parents/guardians. If they cannot be reached, staff will contact the appropriate authorities.

Like all Library users, children are expected to abide by the Library Rules of Conduct. Library staff reserves the right to contact parents/guardians or the appropriate authorities if a child of any age is disruptive or is in distress.

Minors under age 18, left at the Library without transportation at closing time may be referred to the appropriate authorities for his/her/their safety and well-being. Library staff may not transport minors.

Adopted 4/14/2020 

19.0   Security Footage

19.1   Security Footage

The Manassas Park City Library (MPCL) is committed to serving the public by providing a safe place for all patrons and staff members. All video surveillance recordings from library equipment are library records as defined in the Code of Virginia § 2.2-3705.7.03 (Virginia Freedom of Information Act).

19.2   Camera Placement & Monitoring

Video surveillance cameras are placed in locations meant to provide maximum security, including building interiors and exteriors. In no event shall cameras be located in areas where patrons and/or staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy such as restrooms, staff break rooms, or offices. Security cameras will be placed so as to avoid recording legible computer screens, table tops, or other locations that would identify the reading or information-gathering practices of individuals. Audio surveillance is not permitted under this policy.

Video surveillance footage is not continuously monitored. Library patrons and staff should take appropriate precautions for their safety and for the security of their personal property. MPCL is not responsible for personal injury or loss of property.

Video footage will be retained for a flexible period determined by the storage capacity of the equipment, typically no longer than 45 days. As new footage is recorded, the oldest footage will automatically be deleted. Video footage will not be retained for an extended period or archived unless it is needed to document possible criminal activity or violations of Library Policy.

19.3   Access

Access to security camera footage in pursuit of documented incidents of injury, criminal activity or violation of the Library’s Code of Conduct is limited to Library Authorized Staff (the Library Director, Assistant Director, and other designated supervisory staff), and Other City personnel, including law enforcement staff, the City Manager and his staff and the City Attorney.

Nothing in this policy shall prevent authorized library personnel from using video surveillance records in the administration of their regular duties.

Adopted 10/20/2020
Updated 9/20/2022

18.0   Social Media

18.1   Social Media

Social media provides a valuable and timely way for the Library to disseminate information and promote library-related news, events, projects and services. It also serves to inspire conversation and expand the Library’s connection with the community. The Library is a central figure in the community and aims to bring the community together through social media, mirroring the interactions in its physical space.

Social media is defined as any web application, site, or account created and maintained by the Library.

18.2   Usage Rules

The Library welcomes the comments, posts, and messages of the community and recognizes and respects differences in opinion. However, all comments, posts, and messages will be periodically reviewed and the Library reserves the right to, but is not required to, remove any comment, post, or message that it deems inappropriate or off-topic.

The Library is not responsible for or liable for any content posted by any participant in a Library social media forum who is not a member of the Library’s staff.

Users should have no expectation of privacy in postings on Library sponsored social media sites; by using such sites, you consent to the Library’s right to access, monitor, and read any postings on those sites. Users must understand that social media is permanent, retrievable, and public. Messages can potentially be read by anyone once posted, regardless of status on Friends, Follower, or Subscriber List. The Library recommends that users do not post their personal information or contact information on social media sites.

The Library reserves the right to reproduce comments, posts and messages in other public venues; such reproduction may be edited for space or content while retaining the original intent of the post.

Content containing any of the following will be removed immediately from any Library social media forum:

    • Obscene content or hate speech
    • Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
    • Private or personal information, including phone numbers and addresses, or requests for personal information
    • Potentially libelous statements
    • Falsification of identity
    • Plagiarized material
    • Comments, links, or information unrelated to the purpose of the forum
    • Spam or other commercial, political, or religious messages unrelated to the Library or its social media postings
    • Solicitation of funds
    • Any images, links, or other content that falls into the above categories

The Library reserves the right to ban or block users who have posted in violation of this policy.

In addition, users are expected to abide by the terms and conditions set by third party social media platforms as well as follow appropriate Federal and State Law.

The Library asks that individual user complaints be addressed directly to the Library Administration so they can be addressed quickly and specifically. Social Media is not the mechanism used by the Library to document or address Library user problems and concerns, or influence Library policy, procedures, or programs.

By choosing to comment you agree to these rules.

Adopted 7/21/2020

16.0   Virtual Reality

16.1   Virtual Reality

The Manassas Park City Library offers Virtual Reality (VR) experiences. VR uses a computer, headset, and sensors to immerse the user into a three-dimensional, computer-generated world. Head, hands, and body movements are tracked to let the user interact with what is seen via the headset.

Due to the unpredictable nature of the human response to VR, the Library will require all eligible participants to complete and return the appropriate Agreement and Waiver/Release of Liability form.

All patrons wishing to use the VR equipment must have a Library card in good standing, and have acknowledged an Agreement and Waiver/Release of Liability form.

16.2   Usage Rules

    • Parents or legal guardians of all participants under the age of 18 must sign the Agreement and Waiver/Release of Liability form.
    • Patrons may make a suggestion for the library to download an experience. There is no guarantee your suggestion will be accepted.
    • Virtual Reality is limited to 30-minute sessions.
    • The recommended age for VR is 12 years. Users younger than 12 must be supervised by a parent or guardian.

Adopted 9/20/2022

Updated 5/16/2023

20.0   Volunteers

Manassas Park City Library recognizes volunteers as an invaluable community resource and welcomes their support. Volunteers provide support to staff by performing duties or tasks without wages or benefits. They do not take the place of staff, but provide supplemental or specialized services.

Volunteers are accepted when their skills and abilities match specific needs. The Library does not guarantee that all volunteer applications will be accepted. All interested volunteers must pass a background check performed by the City of Manassas Park.

Adopted 4/14/2020

17.0   3D Printing

17.1   3D Printing

The Manassas Park City Library (Library) 3D printer is available to the public to make three dimensional objects in PLA plastic using a design that is uploaded from a digital computer file. Patrons must have a valid Library card to request a 3D printing job.

17.2   Usage Rules

The 3D printer may be used for lawful purposes only. Patrons will not be permitted to use the printer to create objects that are:

    • Prohibited by local, state or federal law.
    • In violation of another’s intellectual property rights; for example, materials that are subject to copyright, patent or trademark protection.
    • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous or that may pose an immediate threat to the well-being of others; for example, guns, knives or other possibly lethal weapons.
    • Obscene or otherwise inappropriate items for the Library environment.

The Library reserves the rights to refuse any 3D print request. Patrons are limited to two (2) designs per month. 3D printed objects must be smaller than 5″x5″x5″ and objects are printed in single filament color with a MakerBot Replicator. Operation of the 3D printer is limited to designated staff and trained individuals.

3D printing at the Library is charged per gram, as outlined in the Fine and Fee Schedule (Addendum A), and includes weight of support, rafts and fillers.

Items printed from the 3D printer that are not picked up within seven days will become the property of the Library and may be disposed of or displayed as appropriate. Items must be picked up by the individual who printed them. A requesting patron who does not pick up their print forfeits all future rights to use the 3D printer.

Not all designs can be printed as originally submitted. Upon review, staff may request that designs be modified and resubmitted in order to print. Such modifications may include but are not limited to: scaling, grouping, and dividing parts.

Jobs exceeding 8 hours may not be printed. Projects will be added to the print queue as they are received and reviewed. No guarantee of completion time is made.

Adopted 09/20/2022

Updated 05/07/2024

22.1   Addendum A – Fees

Fines and Fees

22.1.1   Unpaid Fines or Fees:

  • $25.00+ blocks patron account from checking out further materials

22.1.2   Lost / Damaged Items:

  • Catalog list price per item + $10 processing fee

22.1.3   Laptop Replacement:

  • $800

22.1.4   Hotspot Replacement:

  • $75

22.1.5   3D Printing Cost

  • $.10 per gram

22.1.6   Printing

  • $0.20 per page for black and white
  • $0.50 per page for color

    22.1.7   Interlibrary Loans

    • $5.00 per transaction, plus any fees charged by the lending institution

    22.1.8   Non-Resident Card

    • $38.00 annual fee

    Adapted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.2   Addendum B – Public Suggestion

    Suggestions from the public can be sent via the Suggest a Purchase form:

    How Do I?

    Adopted 4/14/2020

    22.3   Addendum C – ALA Bill of Rights

    American Library Association (ALA) Library Bill of Rights:

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.4   Addendum D – ALA Freedom to Read Statement

    American Library Association (ALA) Freedom to Read Statement:

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.5   Addendum E – ALA Free Access to Minors Statement

    American Library Association (ALA) Free Access to Minors Statement:

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.6   Addendum F – Virginia Code §2.2-3705.7 

    Virginia Code § 2.2-3705.7:

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.7   Addendum G – ALA Access to Digital Information, Services, and Networks

    American Library Association (ALA) Access to Digital Information, Services, and Networks.

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.8   Addendum H – Virginia Code §42.1-36.1 

    Virginia Code §42.1-36.1

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.9   Addendum I – Virginia Code §18.2-374.1:1 

    Virginia Code §18.2-374.1:1

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.10   Addendum J – Virginia Code §18.2-372 

    Virginia Code §18.2-372

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.11   Addendum K – Virginia Code §18.2-391 

    Virginia Code §18.2-390:

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

    22.12   Addendum L – United States Copyright Law: U.S. Code, Title 17

    United States Copyright Law: U.S. Code, Title 17:

    Adopted 4/14/2020
    Updated 9/20/2022

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